Local Offer

1. How does the setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
Your child will be assigned a key person to look after them when they first start at the setting, and we encourage parents and carers to talk to this person openly about any areas they feel their child may need extra support in. We also have an open-door policy which means that parents can come and speak to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator and our Preschool Manager at any time.
2. How will we support my child?
Observations, assessment and planning all contribute to individual plans and ongoing planning which specifically focuses on your child’s current interests and next steps for their development. We will also listen to you as parent/carer as well as observing and listening to your child. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator will explain to you how your child’s individual needs can be met and how we review the effectiveness of these strategies through regular ongoing observation. Informal discussions will take place between parent/carer and key person to ensure the strategies remain appropriate and effective at all times, and in addition the key person will build up a solid relationship with the individual child to ensure that their voice and opinion is also heard.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Your child’s Learning Journal and relevant Individual Plan is readily available within the Nursery for you to access at any time. All progress is reviewed using the Early Years Statutory Framework “Early Years outcomes and Development Matters” which are produced by the Department of Education and details clearly expected developmental milestones in each area of learning and for each stage of development up to the end of Reception year. Information regarding this can be found on the following government websites www.foundationyears.org.uk and www.education.gov.uk/publications.
If an Individual plan is required, the SENDCo and key worker will work closely to ensure this is filled out to ensure your child receives consistent and secure support. It will not only detail strategies for us to use here at Nursery but also how they can be adapted for support at home. These strategies will be discussed and reviewed regularly by all those concerned to ensure they remain effective.
Whilst our staff are always available to discuss any concerns you may have on a daily basis; we also invite you into the setting for a 6 week settling in meeting after your child starts.
This gives opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have, or to gain general feedback on how your child Is settling in. This will allow us to adapt our planning and activities accordingly.
5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Where necessary, advice will be sought from outside agencies and training attended to help meet the individual needs. The child’s contribution will also be included through information provided by the parents and the key person’s own observation and knowledge of the child. This will enable us to observe and highlight any triggers, patterns and effective strategies to build and focus on those behavioural issues.
It may be necessary to increase staff ratios using the relevant inclusion funding to maintain the necessary levels of supervision to allow us to achieve this.
A risk assessment would also be carried out, including any medical and personal care required and a full discussion will occur as to whether we are able to provide this based on our current levels of basic first aid knowledge and training.
If you have any concerns at any time for your child’s overall well-being, we encourage an open door policy and would encourage you to seek assistance from your child’s key person or the Preschool Manager.
6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the early years setting?
7. What training are the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or are having?
Most staff are either qualified at a level 3 in Early years and Education or are currently undertaking their level 3. All staff have good sound knowledge of the development matter EYFS and are always keeping on top of updates and changes through west Sussex. During supervisions, staff are encouraged to discuss and reflect on how they would like to further their own personal development, and as a setting we consistently reflect on areas of learning required to meet the needs of the children.
8. How will my child be included in activities outside the early years setting including trips?
9. How accessible is the early years environment? (Indoors and outdoors)
Both our settings operate from large halls which have large opening doors throughout, and single doors to the garden.. There are no large steps within the setting, and we are on the level floor. (Littlehampton setting has a spacious disabled toilet.)
10. How will the early years setting prepare and support my child to join the early years setting, transfer to a new setting/school?
During your child’s transition to Primary school or moving onto another setting the Key person and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator will share information with the school or new setting along with the parent/carer.
Learning journals, progress records, group observations and other relevant documents will be passed on to their new setting. Teachers are invited to come into the Preschool to observe your child in their play and current environment and enable us to share as much information as possible to ensure a smooth transition. Regular meetings with schools and other settings ensure that we understand the importance of a smooth transition and you will be given time to discuss this with the setting to discuss any concerns you may have for your child before they move on.
The use of role play with school uniform, books and lunch time practice is a good way to help a child become familiar with new routines. Part of our Ethos as a Preschool is to encourage children to become independent, life-long learners and therefore the transition process into school takes place through your child’s time with us. We believe that by preparing them to become confident children with high levels of self-esteem we will encourage your child to flourish in the wider world around them.

11. How are the early years settings resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
Within the setting the process for highlighting potential additional needs will be completed as described above and an individual plan will be agreed and put in force through collaboration with parents/carers. The setting will ensure that any strategies agreed upon are appropriate and achievable for not only the individual child and staff but also the parents/carers, and progress will be monitored through ongoing observation and discussion. Should additional professional assistance be thought to be necessary the setting will, with parents/carers permission, make a referral to the Early Years Inclusion Team. They will observe the Child at the setting and assist parents/carers and the setting with any additional strategies, advice or guidance for further parental referral to outside professionals. The setting will then, where possible, work with these professionals and parents/carers to support the child’s further development and, once again, ongoing observation and discussion will continue to highlight all progress made. Further information on the West Sussex County Council website
13. How are parents involved in the early years setting? How can I be involved?
14. Who can I contact for further information?
Bright Little Kiddies Littlehampton- 07773133337 enquiry@blkpreschool@gmail.com
Bright Little Minds Broadwater – 07482311211 blmchildcare@gmail.com
You will be able to talk about availability, book a visit to the premises and meet our SEND coordinator. During your visit you will have an opportunity to assess whether the premises are suitable, discuss any needs or concerns you may have regarding your child’s development and what care we can provide. Your first point of contact would be the Manager and once your child’s place has been secured you will be allocated a key person.
For further information and advice you can contact your local Health Visitor or GP at your registered surgery, or visit The Family Information Service on their website: www.westsussex.gov.uk/family, or The Local Authority on their website www.westsussex.gov.uk. You can also email the Local Authority with any questions at localoffer@westsussex.gov.uk.